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January 24, 2004

Well, There's a Surprise

On Yahoo News this afternoon, an admission from Colin Powell (naturally they make the black guy make the announcement) that Iraq may not have possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Powell acknowledged that the United States thought deposed leader Saddam Hussein had banned weapons but added, "We had questions that needed to be answered.

"What was it?" he asked. "One hundred tons, 500 tons or zero tons? Was it so many liters of anthrax, 10 times that amount or nothing?"

Maybe I'm in the wrong on this, ethically, but I think that if the proof was not quite so concrete, and they might have had nothing, we had no reason to invade and depose their leader on the pretext that he was preparing to use WMDs against the US.

Posted by ayse on 01/24/04 at 5:09 PM