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February 27, 2004

Splashity Splash

I took Rosie to the dog park for an hour this afternoon (after she'd languished in the car while I mailed packages at the Post Office, then dropped off some dry cleaning). We stayed in the dog run area for half an hour, so she could get good and wet and have a lot of dogdy time, then we walked around outside with her on leash, trying to be a Good Dog (and not always succeeding).

I took a bunch of pictures while we were out, which I put up on the photoblog. I also posted the photos I developed from my latest couple of rolls of film -- for the Contrast in Nature assignment for photography. Some of them came out really well, and others... well, the others lack a certain depth or something, because they scanned horribly, and look kind of like photocopied newspaper photos. I'll have to figure that one out.

I'm still posting to the photoblog manually, as I need to confer with Noel (aka, The One With Root on the Server) about what I can and cannot have happen when I set up a post. Also, it's been like a hundred years since I used Perl, and all the programmatic interfaces worth dealing with are in Perl, so I need his expertise on that. I just never feel like programming any more, almost like I rarely feel like writing anything of length any more.

Anyway, there's a load of new stuff up over there if you're bored out of your skull.

Posted by ayse on 02/27/04 at 5:48 PM