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March 4, 2004

More Photo Fun

I took Rosie to the park to play today, and took a bunch of photos, of the park and of her, all wet from playing in the water. She was really easily distracted and kept turning her head just as the shutter went, so I'll have to see how the photos came out. I need to shoot the rest of the roll so I can develop it tomorrow after math.

Afterward the park time, we drove over to Berkeley to visit the Looking Glass, a photo supply place. I was looking for a 4x5 developing tank (I chose a Yankee Agitank because it seemed to be the cheapest thing that did what I wanted, and price was an issue; I don't want to possibly have to abandon an expensive developing system at airport security because they don't understand what it is and it looks menacing) and a loupe, and I was also going to get some 4x5 film. All missions accomplished. I also wanted to find a copy of the textbook for my photography class, but no luck; I'll have to go on reading the one in the library. I don't want to pay full price; that's ridiculous when we have two excellent books on photography already. (I also was hoping to see something about large format photography, but there was a large guy in front of the book shelves, so I was unable to peruse as freely as I would have liked.)

I ran into two of my classmates while I was at the store, which was kind of funny. It is a teeny-tiny world we live in. (I also ran into my old friend Sharon downtown in San Francisco when Noel and I were going to meet the Subversion people for dinner. It was that kind of day.)

Now that I can focus and have film to load in the camera, I'm going to take some photos with the Graphlex this weekend. I want to get comfortable enough with it that I don't have to worry about learning how to use it when we're in the UK. First I'm going to need to sacrifice some film to get comfortable with loading the film holders and the developing tank. That should be a laugh riot.

Posted by ayse on 03/04/04 at 11:04 PM