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May 2, 2004

Our Inner Struggle

I can't quite figure out how I started reading the blogs of a bunch of gay men in New York City who I don't know, but they are charming and interesting and fun to read, and every now and then, one of them posts something that resonates with my sensibilities the way discussions resonated in college, during late-night discussions at a cafe where students undertip and irritate waitresses and older patrons.

Today's resonant moment was courtesy of David Buscher, who I don't know at all. In his Friday posting, The Great Divide, he talks about how there seem to be two Americas overlaid on one another: the America of intolerance and ignorance, and the America of intelligence and understanding. Like our own Israel/Palestine. Except without the suicide bombers. (Our combatants prefer to live to see the fruits of their violence, I suppose, or they don't really believe that there will be eternal salvation for killing people.)

Anyway, check out the post, and check out the rest of David's blog. You'll like it.

Posted by ayse on 05/02/04 at 1:25 PM