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June 23, 2004

Well, What Do You Know?

I've heard people griping about how hard it is to make the move from Berkeley DB format to MySQL with MovableType, so I was kind of dreading it. But I knew I wanted to do it because there are some spam tools I wanted to use to keep the various spammers from trying to use this site to advertise their web sites.

I had Noel make me a MySQL login, and geared myself up for spending a whole evening working on this. I even blocked the time out so I would have enough time to finish everything.

It took five minutes just now, and everything is functioning perfectly, as far as I can tell. Maybe if somebody tried to see the site while I was doing it, they would have noticed the brief glitch, but I don't get that much traffic.

Posted by ayse on 06/23/04 at 9:30 PM


Wow, and HI! Just googled myself out of complete and utter boredom and found me on your blog!

Now the pressure is surely on me to have interesting things to say! I started it to keep my far flung family up-to-date on my life, but apparently others care too!

By the way - I used to live in San Mateo!


I don't recall how I found you (probably through a friend of a friend who might be related to you, since I seem to recall I found your blog in somebody else's blogroll), but I just liked the ordinariness of your blog. Not trying to be rock-n-roll or cooler than you are, and talking about everyday life. I also had to stay tuned to find out what happened with the screaming baby.