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July 3, 2004

Crackle Crackle

This evening we took the dog out for her first walk since she got sick (she's finally stopped coughing, so it seemed relatively safe). As we stepped out the front door, I noticed this crackling sound, and told Noel it was coming from the electrical wires.

"I think somebody is welding over there and the sound is bouncing around."

But as we walked, it became clear that the sound was coming from the electrical wires. It was kind of creepy, not entirely the sort of thing that makes you feel reassured and calm about your personal safety.

As we came home, we ran into our neighbor Michael, who was also out for a walk, and had also noted the crackling.

"I think it's because of the moisture in the air." It has been foggy lately, but honestly, it's not that much foggier than normal, and they don't usually make that sound. I think I will call the electric company (our city has its own not-for-profit electrical service, so I don't have to deal with the buttheads at PG&E) and ask them what it is.

On the other hand, Rosie was just plain overjoyed to be out and about again after a week and a half of being cooped up. And she's stopped coughing, too.

Posted by ayse on 07/03/04 at 12:15 AM