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July 13, 2004

House of Chaos

I'm making slow but sure progress on the bedroom. And after talking to Noel this afternoon feeling much calmer about the mess; he must be getting plenty of sleep and having a good time, because he was completely blase about the prospect of coming home to find his bedroom a pile of rubble.

(You can read more about the bedroom project on Casa Decrepit.)

While the bedroom project goes on, the rest of the house is in chaos. I've been sort of keeping up on the dishes, but that's only because with Noel away, I keep forgetting when mealtimes are and just going hungry until I suddenly feel dizzy while climbing the ladder, and realize it's been eight hours since I've eaten. Not bright.

There's also the small matter of the laundry, still in a basket downstairs. There's nowhere to sort it, as our bedroom furniture is all over the hall and bathroom upstairs. And I really should do a load of whites before Noel gets back, so he has some underpants to wear. Or, well, clean ones.

And then there's the elephant in the living room, which is that we decided it would be a good idea for us to get a lodger to live with Noel while I'm away at school; somebody who could share housework and animal care, for example, when Noel comes to visit me. We have asked a friend to move in, and he's intersted but just wants to sit down and talk about it with us, but in the meantime, we need to figure out just how we're going to empty the front bedroom so he has a place to live. We're talking about having him move in in August, so this is far more critical a situation than I'm making it out to be.

Have I mentioned that I have to find housing in San Luis Obispo? Well, I do.

Posted by ayse on 07/13/04 at 7:41 PM