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November 2, 2004


I'm finding all sorts of things to do tonight to keep my mind off the election and my hand off the mouse refreshing


For one thing, I made this little snowflake thing, which has some kind of messed up places, but is my first successful adaptation of a project to a different thread/hook size.

snowflake crochet

I'm actually quite happy with it, although it did not scan very well and the first thing I see is the place where I had to figure out on my own how to do something that didn't make much sense. Anyway. For whatever reason, this project was much easier to do than the stupid sheep, whose nose doesn't ever seem to come out quite right.

Also, for those who are curious about my new digs, and how pleasant they are or are not, here are some blurry photos from the phonecam:

(the kitchen and a peek into the bathroom)

from the kitchen
(looking from the kitchen across the main room to the bed)

from the bed
(looking from the bed to the kitchen)

There are a lot of lights on because I was doing homework that includes a lot of detailed loading diagrams.

The place is still kind of soulless, but it's very pleasant when there's light, and it's quiet and safe and free of psychotic landladies, which is a major point in its favour. I got a poster over the weekend, which I have in front of the desk, and that is nice. Also, having the table means I don't have to sit on the bed for everything I do that is not working on the computer, and I like that. Especially having a place to eat dinner.

Posted by ayse on 11/02/04 at 6:01 PM