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November 5, 2004

Sheep's Head

I've been crocheting a sheep.


I figured I should try an easy project, so I chose a sheep from a book of beginner projects, and of course it turned out to be a thousand time harder than any of the string crochet projects I've worked on, and I ended up re-doing the nose of the sheep fifteen times, yes, fifteen times, and that is not an exaggeration.

sheep head

But now I'm in the middle of the sheep's back, somewhere around the shoulder and things are going better. I haven't had to entirely pull out a row since the neck. It's quite relaxing doing these repetitive rows, just the same pattern, no increases or decreases. This is why people like scarves, I guess, though I find them kind of dull. Also, how many scarves does one person need? Not all that many, I'm sad to say.

So when I'm done with this sheep, I think I will send it to a friend of ours who just had a baby. We have lots of friends with new babies, so I can make tiny sweaters and stuffed animals and not have to suffer the consequences of storing them, which are chiefly convincing a lot of people that I have some sort of weird complex about being childless that I don't have. Also, we don't have much space for storing tons of crocheted or knitted stuff, although with the apartment in SLO, I could store a lot of stuff before Noel caught me at it and held an intervention.

I think I'm going to crochet some baskets for my next project. No pattern, just me and some yarn and a little minor insanity. Reading all these patterns makes my eyes want to cross, anyway.

Posted by ayse on 11/05/04 at 6:13 PM