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A Special Kind of Sick

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November 7, 2004

What Do You Have to Complain About?

If I'm totally honest, this is not a time in my life when I should be whining. I had a great weekend.


Noel came down, rather than having me drive up, which was very nice because I would have had to drive up three weekends in a row if that were the case. In order to do this, he left the Bay Area after his Friday gig, and arrived here at about 4am (he stopped in Gonzales for a nap by the road).

He brought my own sweet doggie with him, which was wonderful beyond compare. I love my doggie. I wish the cats travelled better but they are cats, after all.

Yesterday we went to the beach where dogs can go, and Rosie ran and ran and ran and ran until she was all pooped out. And I found like a hundred million sand dollars (OK. Nine) and a bunch of other nice shells. Then we went to the waterfront in Morro Bay and had fried seafood and french fries, and we saw a bit elephant seal in the water who kept trying to talk to Rosie, but Rosie was more interested in the seagull poop on the dock. The seal thought we should all go swimming together, which sounded pretty nice to me apart from the FREEZING COLD WATER part.

Then we came home and the dog and boy had naps while I puttered around, and when they woke up we watched some very funny DVDs I got (Margaret Cho's I'm the One That I Want and the first season of the Chapelle Show) and laughed and laughed and drank wonderful white wine from Navarro and talked about food and how we can fit eating more of it into our lives. I'd thought maybe we would go on campus and pick olives from the Engineering courtyard, but I kinda didn't feel like gathering all the necessary items. Anyway. A good time was had.

But then today I woke up with a sore throat and a headache, which at first I attributed to half a bottle of Navarro's finest. Noel made me pancakes, then we went to the beach again, and more running and sand dollars and other shells ensued. And Noel helped me try to fix a problem with my computer, which may be caused by a faulty USB hub, but we'll see. But then it was too late, and time for him to leave. We made one last trip to the drug store (Nyquil), and then he was gone. And I was left behind to finish a bunch of drawings, only I forgot my good drawing pen at school so whatever, I guess I will do them tomorrow night.

The only real downside to the weekend was that I realized I made a fundamental mistake with the stupid crocheted sheep, and I had to undo a lot of it. So I think now I will retire to bed and crochet some. My head aches and I'm getting drowsy from the Nyquil anyway.

I hope you all had good weekends with whatever your dog beach equivalent is, and if you're in the Bay Area maybe I'll see you on my long weekend this week.

Posted by ayse on 11/07/04 at 7:22 PM