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February 27, 2005


I'd kind of forgotten that I could write long rambly posts about things like going to the grocery store, chiefly because I haven't been going to the grocery store. I haven't been starving, but I haven't had the time to deal with it lately. So this afternoon, after Noel left to go home, I ran errands.


I got fuel for the car, which involved a stupid episode of me trying to charge it to my Von's club card (oddly, that didn't work!), then returned the two movies we watched (Eddie Izzard standup -- glorious!), then bought a bunch of balsa wood at Michael's for a model I was supposed to have finished last week -- thank goodness my professional practise teacher is so lenient. Then I went to Von's, where I gave the cashier my Albertson's club card (brilliant) and tried to charge my eggs and cheese to my school ID. I explained the gas station incident to her and she said, very sympathetically, "We've all had days like that."

I never have before, but there's a first time for everything.

I do like the pace of the quarter system. It's a bit crazy, but it fits my cycle of energy. On semesters I was always working like mad for the first ten weeks and then suffering through the last six, but with quarters I work like mad for ten weeks and then I have a vacation and then it's a new quarter. I don't run out of steam, which is a pleasant feeling.

I do run out of room on my studio table, but that's mostly because I work on everything there.

Speaking of studio work, I have some more pictures from my notebook scanned, since I know how excited that makes every one of the seven people who read my blog, two of whom are my parents so I think they have to by law or something.

Here's a self-portrait I did (sitting on the bathroom sink so I could look in the only mirror in the apartment). I also took a reference photo with my cameraphone, so I could get the colours right, though cameraphone colours are always weird, so I think the skin tone is way off). I drew this with my left hand in pencil and then inked it with my right hand, and I think it came out strangely near the top of my head. My left hand is much more accurate than my right hand, though, so it's probably better than it would have been the other way around.

Self Portrait In Pajamas

This one is from an assignment to draw a space that works well for its inhabitants near the location for our final project, which is on Garden Street in SLO. I was walking down the street and saw this shop full of random weird stuff, with a bathtub in the window. In the tub was an enormous goldfish.

Tub Of Fishie

I wrote him a little poem, too:

Dear little fishie
How do you swim
Wiggling by in your

Sly little fishie
Glides by on a whim
So short and fat and

It's been a long time since I wanted to read, much less write poetry. Editing a literary magazine does that to you. But this one was fun, and it just sort of came out while I was filling in the shading on the drawing at home.

Posted by ayse on 02/27/05 at 10:28 PM