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May 5, 2005

Breaking the Rules

I made this penguin from Knitty a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post pictures. Part of that was because I made the damned thing twice, the body and belly at least, because I followed the directions for sewing it together blindly, and they are slightly off (they don't tell you to sew the neck). Then, when cutting it apart, I cut several stitches and unravelled a bunch and it was a big mess, so I threw the first penguin away and started over. I'm not usually so destructive when rebuilding something.

Anyway, while I was sewing the wings up, one of my classmates came up and said, "You're using sewing pins! Is that allowed?" I don't know if it's allowed or not, but it's what I've always done for sewing up pieces, because it's a pain in the ass to try to line them up and hold them there by hand.

Sewing the wing

On the other hand, her surprise at my use of fabric sewing techniques on yarn may account for the extreme hatred I have seen among knitters for the seaming required from a sweater knit in pieces. I've never understood that, because seaming is so easy and fast, but if they're not pinning it together first then oy, it must be perfect hell.

Wing and body

Anyway, now I have a little penguin body to stuff.

Finished Penguin

Posted by ayse on 05/05/05 at 10:13 PM