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June 28, 2006

All About Pod Thing

We've wrapped up the cardboard object exercise in studio, and the final step was to make a portfolio page about the project. I've been working on my portfolio this summer, anyway, for the internship program in the fall, so the only thing I had to do was decide which of the photos I took would work best. But here, I can use them all.

We started with an item from nature with a structural system. I found these seeds, encased in a hard protective shell.


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From the seeds I generated this small pod thing, which echoes the structure and adds colour and texture not entirely clear on the smaller seed.


Some of my classmates generated a second model, but I felt like mine did everything I wanted it to, so I moved on to the final object.

Pod Thing

The thing about paper mache with cardboard is that it takes FOREVER to dry, so this pod thing only finished drying yesterday evening. I'm going to add a few more layers of cardboard to it, with glue instead of flour paste.

Surface texture

One thing I've been loving about this project is the surface texture on the finished object. It's not beautiful, per se, but it has a lot of character.

More texture

Especially the places where I had to pull off layers to help it dry, and where it picked up sand and bits of grass.


I've been working on this drawing of it for the last couple of days. I think I might have the shading right, now, but I haven't scanned the latest version. I like how drawings come out when you start with pencil and then ink them. They get a very clean quality to them, even if you are very loose in your style.

Pod Thing Drawing

We're moving on now to a project involving junky appliances.

Posted by ayse on 06/28/06 at 11:00 PM

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