Some Drawings


I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, really. I've just been really busy. To tide you over, I offer some scans of my notebook this quarter, where I put all the assigned drawings and my notes or ideas from class discussions.


A fiber studio drawing. Partially done from a photograph.

Fiber Studio

Five views of my cardboard boat.

Cardboard Boat

A row of Italian Cypress along one wall of the Engineering Building where my studio is located.

Italian Cypress

The Architecture Building. Brutalist architecture at its most brutal. I used a ruler to get the perspective right.

Architecture Building

My knitting bag.

Knitting Basket

A recycling bin in the Horticulture Building. The reaction to this during review was, "wow, that's really green."

Recycling Bin

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ayse published on January 31, 2005 12:31 AM.

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