February 2005 Archives

Itchy and Scratchy

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If by chance, you ever tell somebody that touching X makes you itch, do not -- I repeat: do not -- let them say, "Well, let's quantify that" and then stick little pieces of tape smeared with that substance all over your back that you have to leave there for four days. Oh, and you can't get it wet, so no showers. And you can't scratch at it, either. Itchy itchy itch. Aaaarg. Every now and then I can forget it for fifteen minutes, and then it reminds me: "I'm itchy!"

On Thursday, I get it removed, and the nurse will stick a hundred needles in my arms to show that I'm allergic to cats and dust. Because this is apparently news to somebody out there. On the other hand, it means I can start getting allergy shots and stop relying on an inhaler to help me breathe freely, which is a good thing, indeed.



I'd kind of forgotten that I could write long rambly posts about things like going to the grocery store, chiefly because I haven't been going to the grocery store. I haven't been starving, but I haven't had the time to deal with it lately. So this afternoon, after Noel left to go home, I ran errands.




I mentioned that the second year studios were doing a sketch problem, right? It was due today, and this is what mine looks like. All the teachers will be voting for their favourites, and the solution with the most votes wins. I hope I win the contest, or at least get some votes.


Until My Arm Falls Off


I've been drawing a lot today, which is probably why I have this terrible cramp in both my shoulders. Yes, I switched off hands, but there are some things my right hand does better than my left, and shading is one of them.

But I have photos.


Soft Networking


I'm starting to think about getting a summer job. If you know of an architect or engineer in San Francisco or otherwise accessible from the East Bay, who wants a part-time summer flunky (or what the heck, full-time summer flunky) with CAD and hand-drafting experience, drop me an e-mail or send them here.

Models of Complexity


Last week we worked on building complexity into our designs. We made three models of a space with a simple program (mine was a day spa with a sun deck and a pool) and increasing levels of complexity in defining the space.


A Triumph of Engineering


I finished my engineering homework in two hours tonight, which is the sort of stunning accomplishment I never hoped to be able to write about. Granted, it was a shorter-than-usual assignment, but usually I average 45 minutes a problem (because they are so detailed), and tonight I finished eight in two hours. Hey, wow, I must be getting this.


Navel Gazing


There seem to be two opinions of bloggers: they're either wannabe reporters, or they're utterly self-absorbed. Personally, I think I lean towards self-absorbed, because I tried that reporter thing, and didn't like it when I was actually being paid to do it, so why do it for free?


More Pictures from Studio


Three more years of this is really going to be a drag, isn't it? Well, suffer. Here are some photos from the work I've been doing in studio, plus one of me actually rowing my cardboard boat.


Speeding Into the Twenty-First Century


I had a minor technical issue with the feeds for this site when I set it up, so I didn't include them. I resolved the issue itself, like, a year ago. Today I added the links to the feeds for this site, Casa Decrepit, and Life Through a Viewfinder. So if you read blogs or news through an aggregator or an RSS tool, now you can add these pages in. Never let it be said that I am not up on the latest technology.

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