Homemaking: September 2006 Archives

Decluttering Again


We've been spending quite a bit of time decluttering, because a couple of weeks ago I woke up and just needed to get rid of a lot of stuff. So I've been making a big pile in the front parlour:

Clutter to go

Most of it is art supplies, especially paper I know I'm not going to use because I didn't like it when I tried it, and some paints and things that I got for specific projects and have never used again. I also pitched a lot of stuff, recycling drawings and throwing away old models. I don't need to keep this stuff forever.

And in the same spirit, I filled up four shelves with books that are either duplicates or books I know I won't read again (or couldn't make it through in the first place; my bargain-bin book habit can result in some really horrible experiences). Some of these have made the trip to the used bookstore and been rejected, some are new additions to the shelf.


I'm thinking of having a non-garage non-sale, inviting people to come over and pick through and take what they want. Anything left over will either be donated or thrown away.

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