School: November 2004 Archives

That Was Short, This is Long


I'm back in SLO after what feels like a very short holiday break. Rosie came back with me because Noel has a conference this week, and we had a good talk on the way down about how too much traffic sucks, and how we're not going to get to play as much this week as we did last week, because it's going to be very busy.

I did all the talking, of course.

Boring Desert Spaces


I stayed up until about 2am finishing some watercolours that are due today in studio. The thing about watercolours is, you really can't rush them. So I have one watercolour that took three days and is very nice, and six that took several hours each and are OK. Looser, to be sure, but workable. One is drying as I type this from a final layer of paint. Of course, they're all of the same basic thing: the Arizona desert.


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