School: May 2006 Archives

Kindergarten Art Project


On Wednesday I spent five hours cutting up pieces of construction paper and arranging them on larger pieces of paper. This was not silliness, it was mockups of my board layouts for our final project, which is due at 2pm next Wednesday. I was delighted to discover that not only do I have plenty of drawings to fill the boards, but in fact I have too many, and I can jettison some of the weaker ones.

It's surprising how many iterations you can go through in search of a good layout. We have restriction: two or three 30"x40" boards. And there's a list of required drawings and scales that basically account for 2/3 of the real estate on those boards (there was no way my building was fitting on two boards). So there's not a lot of flexibility to begin with. How did I manage to spend an entire studio period working on it?

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How I Spent My Day


I spent my day today detailing the structure for this ceiling:

Medium Display Ceiling

Which was a lot harder than it looks; it took me six hours to get it right. (The sun pattern is for midday at the winter solstice. Pretty, huh?) Amazing how something as simple as a ceiling like that can take so long to draw out and explain. Also, please note that this ceiling has some bodaciously large beams going across it, because the room is fifty feet wide. So there was a bit of engineering work to do to calculate how big the beams needed to be and if it was possible to make them the way I wanted that took half my studio time on Friday.

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