Technology: February 2004 Archives

Fixes and Updates


I've spent most of my awake time today making a new home page for The Blue Room, then updating the table-based layouts of the wedding-related pages on this site (the last remnants of the table-based layouts). I also revamped the tourism page slightly, with a new image and the blue background that's used on most of the other content pages. I haven't gone through and updated the information because there haven't been visitors here forever, though with the in-laws visiting the week after Easter I might have to get my act together.

This is all because I had a dream last night, while under the influence of Vicodin, about how my old home page had too much text on it and what it really needed to be was a bunch of links and nothing more. I'm a big believer in the judgement of my subconscious mind (except for when it tells me to do things like dress up like a giant hotdog and go swimming in the English Channel; it has an absurdist side that is fairly easy to filter), so I drew up something quickly and it did in fact look a lot better. Maybe I'll get more clickthroughs from the home page now.

(The analysis I did a few days ago revealed that most visitors hit my homepage and go no further, apparently scared off by my confession of wanting to make plate cozies.)

A Bit of Self-Examination


So while I was waiting for Noel to come home this evening, I decided to do a bit of analysis of my logs. It was quite interesting.

Keeping in mind that MovableType itself generates a lot of apparent hits on the server, half of the 16,000 hits in the last week were from my desk computer's IP. Of those, a good half were me reading my own pages. With my own web page, I am apparently like a monkey with a mirror. I'm fascinated by myself. And who wouldn't be? If you could only follow me around all day, you would understand the attraction, I am sure.

The real surprise was that the most popular area on this site is all our wedding crap. Now, I could look at my own wedding pictures all day (and apparently, sometimes, I do), but what on earth would anybody else find in there that's interesting? I can only think that there's a link to the page somewhere on The Knot or something, except I'm not getting quite enough traffic for that.

Also, a surprisingly large number of people have been looking at my portfolio. Which is odd, because it's not as if it's a great one. But OK. The favoured page is my rendering of the Rietveld Schroeder House, which I can understand, because when I was doing that rendering I was also obsessively searching for anything that showed what the house looked like. It must be in a search engine somewhere.

Which just goes to show you that a vanity web site maintained without regard for cross-browser compatibility can actually satisfy many people: drafting students, brides-to-be, and its own incurably vain maintainer. A win all around!

More Nerdiness


Upgraded to MovableType 2.661 today on a whim. I think have made it possible to use some HTML in the comments, but there are some configuration options that seem contradictory, so we'll have to see.

This is All Ridiculous


I've always felt a bit self-conscious about this whole blog thing, although I had a reasonable facsimile of it before I installed MovableType (no archiving, natch, and updated significantly less often). Now I've found a page of obscenity-laden ranting about inane personal weblogs. And a pledge:

I realize that nothing I say matters to anyone else on the entire planet. My opinions are useless and unfocused. I am an expert in nothing. I know nothing. I am confused about almost everything. I cannot, as an individual, ever possibly know everything, or even enough to make editorial commentary on the vast vast majority of things that exist in my world. This is a stupid document; it is meaningless drivel that I do not expect any of the several billion people on my planet to actually read. People who do read my rambling, incoherent dumbfuckery are probably just as confused as I am, if not moreso, as they are looking to my sorry ass for an opinion when they should be outside playing Frisbee with their dog or screwing their life partner or getting a dog or getting a life partner. Anyone who actually takes the time to read my bullshit probably deserves to ingest my fucked up and obviously mistaken opinions on whatever it is that I have written about.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Technology category from February 2004.

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