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Travel: August 2007 Archives
1. Spending three hours to go four miles in Chicago, because the Good Citizens of Indiana don't want to pay enough in taxes to maintain their roads above third-world conditions. There's no excuse for how badly the closed interstate was handled: five cones and a blinking arrow sign dumping you onto city streets with no detour signs. And come on, how long does it take to pump the water off the road? Not three hours, to be sure.
We lost a total of one and half days of time to delays like this, and this one was so bad that we ran out of time and just could not stop for the night. We ended up cat-napping in a truck stop and getting to my parents' house exhausted and filthy. But we got there.
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OK, so that was kind of a terrible few days of driving.
The road work in Utah delayed us half a day, so we'd driven late into the night Friday to make up for it. By the time we got near Chicago on Saturday evening, we thought we were good to get into Ithaca on time for dinner Sunday evening with my godparents.
Of course, before that, we had to stop at the WORLD'S LARGEST TRUCKSTOP, run by some sort of fundamentalists with all sorts of Jesus stuff all over the place. Because all good Christians believe in making a buck off the savior.
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I-80 leaving Chicago is FLOODED. What kind of 3rd world country has rain in the summer, anyway?
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We woke up this morning in Lincoln, Nebraska. Which is a good thing because that is where we went to sleep last night, or rather earlier this morning. We would be much further along the road, after two days of travel, if it were not for this:
No, not the appallingly filthy windshield, but the long delays for road work. It took us three hours to get out of Utah: a distance of about 70 miles. And while Wyoming and most of Nebraska have been faster, they have also had their share of ridiculously long stretches of construction and lower speeds.