Simon Qat
In November 2003, Ana started acting lonely and unhappy, so I went out and found her another cat to hate.
We found Simon through Island Cat Rescue. He was literally the first cat we looked at.
Do you like to cuddle in bed - or anwhere else for that matter? If so, then Simon is the cat for you! Simon is quiet, sensitive, sweet, and a little shy at first. But, that's only at first. Soon, he will warm up to you, cuddling with you when you're reading or looking at TV. For an encore, he will gaze deeply and lovingly into your eyes with his big green eyes and give you an Eskimo kiss with his nose (which appropriately has a heart-shaped marking on it). Simon has been through a lot having lived on the streets in Oakland as a stray for over two years. He deeply appreciates being loved and having someone to love. We estimate that Simon was born between 1995 and 1997. Bio #1566.
So far, Simon has done a lot of loafing. We know he's eating and using the litterbox, but he doesn't appear to do much apart from that. In fact, he's so lazy, he won't even use the energy it requires to run away when strangers come over.